Exactly one year ago – right before the 2nd annual Reinvention Society meet-up – I dropped my cell phone into a toilet.

I was in Europe running a few last business meetings before our family vacation – with no time to get a real replacement.

SO, I wrote to every team and partner that I will be offline for 2 weeks and got a cheap “burner” phone with no easy access to my apps and contacts.

It turned out to be a REAL game changer.

I came back refreshed and renewed.
My family got undivided attention.
My team got a break from the endless (guilty!!!) flood of new ideas I throw at them every day.

We ALL won.

And that’s my invitation to you. 

It’s time to shut it all down.

Tons of articles – including this old but relatable one in Harvard Business Review – show that our vacation time is disappearing.

USA as a nation, for example, is taking less time off and feeling more exhausted and stressed than ever.

The chronic overwork has a devastating impact on productivity, health and happiness – and on a personal level leads to depression, heavy drinking, and cardiovascular problems.

No surprise there, right?

But it can also be deadly for your bottom line. 

I can’t tell you how often I sit at a business meeting and people start comparing how much they work and how little they sleep.

Overwork is glorified.
It’s presented as a sign of coolness.
It’s an object of endless competition.

Why do we do this to ourselves???

So, it’s time to change.
Time to launch the new version of cool.
Time to reinvent our relationship with rest.

You are getting this email when our company is shut down and we are spending meaningful time with our loved ones (starting with ourselves):

Because a healthy, happy team makes for a healthy, happy company. 

Yes, I’m fully aware that taking time off is an incredible luxury given the economic challenges millions face today.

It’s something I do not take easily or for granted.

AND if we want anything to reinvent and change — within our lives, our businesses or our culture — we must find a way to take a break.

What can you do this month to take (at least a little) break?

P.S. Every week we send out a newsletter filled with tips and tricks of reinvention. Subscribe below to be the first one to know about our new tools, resources, data, and research and get our new freebie – 101+ FREE Reinvention Tools & Resources: Want to reinvent your company or yourself but don’t have a budget? We have you covered! We have compiled a secret stash of 101+ tools, apps, reports, services that all come absolutely free (no fee at all or a significant free option). Download your copy TODAY:

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